Would you like to volunteer?

Be involved in our ministry activities!

Toowong Uniting Church has embraced the Safe Ministry with Children Policy to cultivate a culture of shared guardianship within our community. As a result, all volunteers are approved through a process guided by the SMC Policy, which includes safety training.

In terms of safety training, all general volunteers are kindly requested to complete training Module 1 every 2 years. Additionally, volunteers involved in child-related activities are kindly asked to complete an additional Module 2 every 12 months.

Volunteer Appointment Process for General Volunteers

Volunteer Appointment Process for Child-related roles

We feel incredibly blessed and deeply appreciate the generous support and contributions from our wonderful congregation. Your involvement is invaluable as we journey together in creating a culture of guardianship at Toowong Uniting Church.

Please share your calling by filling out the Application Form and returning it to info@toowongunitingchurch.org.au.

We currently have the following volunteer roles available.

  • Bible Reader Responsible for reading the Bible verses of the day during the service.

    Pastoral Prayer Leads the prayer during the service.

    Morning Tea Usually in pairs, this role involves preparing, setting up, and serving morning tea (biscuits, coffee, tea, etc.) after the service.

    Door Greeter Usually in pairs, greets people at the door starting from 9am and assists with name tags as they enter.

    Offering Count In pairs, this role involves counting and recording the offerings in the offering bowl after the service.

    Prayer Ministry This role entails staying in the church after the service to either lead a prayer or pray for any requests made on the spot.

  • Keyboard




    Other Instruments are welcome!

    *Worship team meets at 8.30am on Sundays to practice for the service.

  • Sound Manage the overall audio output in the church and livestream

    Camera Livestream Manage the Youtube livestream and camera transitions.

    Data Prepare and control slides in EasyWorship

    *Rostered Tech team members meets at church at 8.30am on Sundays.

  • Kids’ Talk

    KATS Teacher

    Parent Helper

  • Junior Youth Helper

    Senior Youth Helper

    Safe Space for Young Adults Helper