Join our church service every Sunday at 9.30 AM

We are a Brisbane church located at

82 Sherwood Rd, Toowong.

Looking for a church in Brisbane?

If you are new to Brisbane or from Brisbane and looking for a church home, our hope is that you will know and experience God’s love for you more deeply and enjoy worshipping Him with us.

If you would like to connect with Toowong Uniting Church, please fill out a quick Connect Card below.

We would love to get to know you!

A Brisbane church that worships Jesus

Toowong Uniting Church is one of Brisbane’s oldest churches. The church has been a home for people of all ages and cultures since1887. You will find a Brisbane church passionate about worshipping Jesus and welcoming everyone. To learn more about our church’s vision, you can read our ‘Mission & Values’ booklet.

A Brisbane church that welcomes everyone

Toowong Uniting Church is a church in Brisbane, that desires to live and explain the Christian faith with clarity, authenticity and relevance. Check out what a regular Sunday church service looks like in the video. We’d love to meet you! You can get in touch with us here.

Sharing The Light Of Christ in Brisbane


Toowong Uniting Church is a Christian church that services the inner Western Suburbs of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. People of many ages and nationalities celebrate and learn together, caring for one another. At Toowong Uniting Church, we believe God is calling us to be a campfire church - a gathered people who shine the light of Christ for all the world from the heart of Brisbane. We long for all people to know Jesus, growing in relationship with him so we can all become more like him.

Find out more about this.



TUC Updates: Minister’s Message

March 2025

On March 5 the season of Lent begins. Lent is an invitation to create additional space in your life by preserving time for listening and prayer. By putting something else aside, we dedicate additional time to reflect and listen to what Holy Spirit is saying to us. Observing Lent puts us well on the way into a new life approach that will travel with us into the future.

Can I offer you this Lent season a moment of challenge, to allow something to be released from your busy life, and then treat that extra time as sacred as it becomes your dedicated space to approach God, listen, respond, and dive deeper into God’s story for you.