All the growth that has taken place at TUC, both corporate and individual, has emerged from prayer.

We believe that God calls us into a vital partnership (where he is the Senior Partner) that requires us to line ourselves up with His plans and purposes rather than enlisting His help with our plans. The more we pray, the better we learn to pray, the better calibrated we will be to God’s agenda and the more useful we might be in His hands. There is good precedent for this both biblically and historically. The church was born in a non-stop ten day prayer meeting (see Acts chapters 1 & 2) and whenever Christians have committed to this in the last 2000 years (more often than you might think), God has led and blessed his people.

Ways to get involved with prayer at TUC:


Wednesday Morning Prayer

Wednesday mornings during the school term, 8.30 – 9.30 am via Zoom

One of the best ways to learn to pray is to spend time with praying people. Everyone is most welcome to join us for prayer on Wednesdays– no experience necessary! We gather on Zoom to pray for the needs of those within and beyond the church community. Please email Matt for the Zoom link.


Prayer Ministry on Sundays

After worship on Sunday mornings in the front pew

Stick around at the end of the service on Sundays to receive prayer for particular needs or issues. You can share a need or circumstance and someone will pray with you or for you. Our ‘pray-ers’ will treat all prayer requests in confidence and with great respect. This is also available in our Life Groups and at other times by request. You are always welcome to ask for prayer.


Prayer Room & Prayer Nights

The “boiler room” of
our church

The prayer room is located under the church house and is available 24/7 for anyone to use. Please be in touch with us for the access code. We hope this room creates an environment where you can pray comfortably and easily. We also host a number of prayer and worship nights during the year to bring us together in seeking God.

Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with us if you’d like to make a prayer request known, or if you’d like the access code for the prayer room: