Senior Youth is for young people in grades 9 - 12. We meet together every second Friday night during the school term from 6.30 - 9.00 pm in the church hall.

We start by sharing dinner together before moving on to games, worship, bible study, discussion and prayer. We are always so encouraged by the deep discussions we have as part of Senior Youth as the young people seek to know God more and apply what the Bible says to their lives. They are a great bunch!

Senior Youth join in with the whole Sunday morning worship, and are encouraged to take on leadership roles in the church. Recently, some of our Senior Youth have taken on leading the younger kids in KATS. We are also excited to see more and more members of Senior Youth joining the Worship Team and sharing their gifts with us as they lead worship on Sundays!

Term 1 Dates

14/02: Love Story: What is this thing called love?

28/02: Friend’s Night!

14/03: God’s connection with us especially in dark times

28/03: If God knows what we will do anyway, what’s the point of free will?
