Toowong Uniting Church is a contemporary Christian church in Brisbane that worships Jesus and welcomes everyone. We are passionate about following Jesus and sharing the Good News with all people.
The church was founded in 1887 and is one of Brisbane’s oldest churches.
Brisbane church with programs for all ages
Toowong Uniting Church is known in Brisbane for having excellent children’s, youth and young adults programs.
Campfire Church
At Toowong Uniting Church, we think of our church here in Brisbane as like a “campfire church”.
A campfire is a place where everyone can gather around for warmth, community and fun. There’s always room to expand the circle and invite others to join in.
Jesus is the light of the world, so we gather with Him at our centre. We are called to be a people and a place where everyone is welcome to be part of God’s family and know His love, light and life.
We are not content to huddle around the fire and keep it to ourselves. Rather, we are called to share the light of Christ with everyone for the glory of God. Think of this image; an ember from one campfire can be taken to another place to start a whole new campfire, providing light and warmth for many new people.
We would love to help you get to know Jesus better! We offer a range of ministries to get involved with, including life groups and the Alpha course. Feel free to get in touch with us!
Our Mission & Values
To find out more about what drives us here at TUC, please take a look at our Mission & Values document. We have created this document to help us line up with what God is wanting to do in and through us (and you!) here at TUC. We hope this gives you a picture of our heart for serving God, sharing Christ with others and putting this into action through practically caring for the world around us - all of which we believe is part of God’s greater plan to rescue all of creation.
Everyone a Missionary
We want every member of our congregation to discover God’s purpose in the whole of their life and not just here at church. Therefore we want to encourage people to see themselves as missionaries in their own home, workplace, school, university, social club and circle of friends. Journey with us in figuring out how to be a church that takes seriously the call of God to serve him in the world at large.
Our commitment to being a ‘sent’ people encourages us to keep the structure and activities of our church as simple as possible, allowing time to invest in genuine relationships with the world around us.
Childcare Centres
The Toowong Childcare Centre and Jahjumbeen Kindergarten & Childcare Centre are located right next door to Toowong Uniting Church. TUC initially built and ran these centres many decades ago as an expression of our mission to the community before handing over governance to Uniting Early Learning. We’re so glad to maintain good relationships with the centres, their staff and the families. We are able to get to know many of the families from both centres at our Playgroups before their little ones move onto day care. Our Families Pastor, Clare Hankamer, also visits the centres regularly to share stories, craft and songs with the kids.