We would love to see all the unique and extraordinary, enthusiastic creativity our church has!
Whether you are reflecting on a sermon series or a bible passage, a particular verse or a prayer, you may compose music, painting a piece, write a poem or story, film a video, make a tapestry, bake or cook, build lego, or how you want to worship the Lord! You are more than welcome to share it with us! Submit your art to Madeline. Depending on the format of the artwork, it can be posted on our website for public view, and may be showcased during our Sunday services.
Please read the following guideline for different formats:
Videos : in MP4 file (please convert MOV files to MP4); ~3 minutes (longer videos are always welcome but cannot be showcased at the Sunday worship)
Poem or Song: you may choose to read or perform on the stage, preferably less than 3 minutes.
For paintings or artworks, it can be published in our newsletters, hence please send a scanned digital file or a high resolution photo to Madeline.