October Newsletter


When October rolls around it means that term 4 is starting soon, something that the kids and young people among us might not be so glad about! We hope everyone has a good start in term 4, especially after the crazy year it has been. Here at TUC, we’re very excited for term 4 to begin because it means that many of our regular activities are starting up soon. You’ll be glad to know that easing restrictions means most of these activities can finally meet in-person again! Read on, below, to find out more about our Pastorates, Playgroups and Community Morning Tea. We will keep you updated with the exact dates of English Conversation and Senior Youth Group shortly. Don’t forget, you can check out our online calendar to see when all our events and activities are happening.

This Sunday
4 October, 9.30 am


Bible Reading:
Philippians 3:17-21


Build My Life (in D)
This I Believe (The Creed) (in D)
Be Thou My Vision (in D)
The Table (in D)
Build Your Kingdom Here (in C)

We’ll also be celebrating Communion together this Sunday, so have your bread and juice ready!


Thursdays and Fridays during the school term
9.30 - 11.00 am in the hall
Resuming 8 & 9 October


We’re so excited our Playgroups can meet again! This is a great way for young families to connect with one another and also for the little ones to grow and learn as they play. Our Thursday Playgroup resumes on 8 October and the Friday Playgroup on 9 October.

For more information, please be in touch with Clare Hankamer or Rui Xia: c_hankamer@hotmail.com


Tuesday Pastorate

Fortnightly Tuesdays during the school term
7.00 - 9.00 pm in the hall
Resuming 13 October

Everyone is most welcome to join us for our Tuesday Pastorate. We meet fortnightly during the school term for dinner, worship, bible study and prayer. Here are our dates for term 4:

13 October
27 October
10 November
24 November
8 December

Please be in touch for more information.

Young Adults Pastorate

Fortnightly Saturdays during Uni semester
6.30 - 8.30pm in homes
Meeting this Saturday, 3 October

Our Young Adults Pastorate is for those in their late teens/early twenties who are looking to explore their faith. We just started meeting this year and had one in-person get together before COVID happened! We took the Pastorate online, which worked well, but we’re glad we can meet in-person again. We gather in homes for dinner, board games, worship, bible study and prayer. Please get in touch to find out more and to get the address: lauren@toowongunitingchurch.org.au

Worship Night

Thursday 15 October
7.30 - 8.30 pm

Join us online for our Worship Night! You an also book a ticket to come along in-person.


Toowong Community Morning Tea

Wednesday 21 October
9.45am in the hall


Toowong Community Morning Tea is back! Our online morning tea gatherings have been lovely, but there’s really no substitute for meeting together in-person for a chat and a cuppa. All are welcome to join us in the hall at 9.45 am on Wednesday 21 October for a delicious home-made morning tea and a chance to catchup.

Please be in touch with Wendy Geldenhuys for more information: awgelden@bigpond.net.au



TUC is once again hosting a polling station during the upcoming state election on Saturday 31 October. That means we’ll also be having a Democracy Sausage Sizzle!

Would you be available for one hour between 8 am and 3 pm to help out? It’s always a lot of fun and a great chance to hang out with one another. If you can help out, please fill in your name on our google doc, or email us to let us know: lauren@toowongunitingchurch.org.au

Thank you very much for your help!

Join us in-person on Sundays!

We’d love you to join us in the church building for worship on Sundays.
Head here to book your seat:


Giving at TUC

We are so thankful that people at TUC are generous givers in more ways than one: giving their time, sharing their gifts, and donating financially. And we don’t mean this in a self-congratulatory way! Rather, we know that it is God who has grown this generous spirit within His church for the blessing of His people and to glorify His name - how amazing!

Thank you for your generous financial gifts to the LoveToowong fund. At present, we are not seeking any further donations for this fund, since the provision has been so great. The LoveToowong probity team will let the congregation know when more is required, keeping in mind that more provision is likely to be required in the long term.

We do also take up an offering every Sunday during worship and this financial support allows us to continue running our ministries and supporting the community in other ways. If you’d like to make an online financial offering, or set up a weekly online offering to support the ongoing ministry of TUC, please use our bank details below:

Bank: National Australia Bank (NAB)
A/c Name: Uniting Church Toowong General Parish Fund
BSB: 084424
A/c No: 508563314