When can we regather for worship?
Join us this Sunday to find out!
We’d love you to join us online at 9.30 am this Sunday, 23 August, for worship! We’ll also use this opportunity to let you know about when and how we will begin regathering in the church building for worship on Sundays. How exciting! Below are the bible reading and songs for this Sunday so you can worship along at home:
Bible Reading:
Psalm 139
Lead me to the Cross (in D)
The Solid Rock (in D)
Wings of the Dawn (Geoff Rankin original)
The Power of Your Love (in A)
Tuesday Pastorate
25 August, 7.00 pm in the Hall
Everyone is most welcome to join us next Tuesday night, 25 August, at 7.00 pm for Pastorate! It will look a little different to the picture, above, as we’ll be meeting in the hall and making sure we social distance, but the same sense of fun, fellowship and connecting with God will be there!
Please eat dinner before you arrive, as we can only offer tea and coffee at this point in time. Please also let us know if you’re interested in coming along, just so we can make sure we set up for enough people!
Toowong Community Morning Tea
Wednesday 26 August, 9.30 am
We'd love to see you on Zoom for our Community Morning Tea!
Join us on Zoom next Wednesday 26 August, 9.30am:
Meeting ID: 727 2440 7870
Password: CMTea