As we’re currently ‘the Church’ in exile, we all want to say to each other: “I’ve missed you! When can I see you again?”.
If you are keen to gather, you’re very welcome to attend worship on site again. Our 50 person limit and precautionary measures ensure we can safely open to see you back at the Worship space. Unfortunately, there’s still no hugging but you can be certain of seeing plenty of smiling faces. Please remember to register here.
September’s theme at TUC is Hope. To explore this, our focus is the book of Ezekiel to understand how the message of hope Ezekiel spoke to Israel was based completely on the assurance that God was with the exiles, to be experienced as reality and God would bring them through to a beautiful future. The hope God offers is never a false hope, but one we can build our lives and our futures on. Its also a future-looking hope that goes beyond anything we could plan or orchestrate. Like a new tree shoot growing out of the stump, God works within situations that look all but hopeless to us, and we can step out in that promise and grow too.
Ezekiel has many themes to consider throughout 48 chapters, but as a starting point, it may be helpful to watch these two short videos from the BibleProject to get an overview of his message: part 1 and part 2. These give us a quick snapshot of what Ezekiel was communicating over many years to the exiles. As a church, we will pick up the visions of the Glory of God, A New King, A New Life, and a New Way to Worship.
Finally, its been of immense encouragement for us to hear back from so many who have been finding ways to care and connect with others. This makes a real difference, having people who have our back and we can lean on. I’ve heard some truly beautiful stories of people looking out for others, and I’ll try to share a few with you in the coming months. Until then, keep being the Church.
Grace and Peace,
Matt Smith
Join us in-person on Sundays!
We’d love you to join us in the church building for worship on Sundays.
Head here to book your seat:
You can also continue worshipping with us online through YouTube:
What’s happening with LoveToowong?
The verse “Ask and you will receive”, Matthew 7:7, rings true for the LoveToowong probity team and for our congregation. When you were asked for more funds way back in early June, much was given and since then, generous support has enabled the Fund to have a healthy balance over the ensuing months.
This has allowed regular support for many recipients and the capacity to continue this support over some future months. Thus, we are seeking no further donations at present and the Probity team will let the congregation know when more is required, keeping in mind that more provision is likely to be required in the long term.
The generosity of our congregation has enabled a hundred gifts for basics including food, petrol, utilities, mobile data and other assistance – practical expressions of the Light of Christ for all the world. These gifts are often delivered in person, enabling a relational point of support and it is amazing how many times they are provided at just the right moment for a specific situation.
Thank you again for actively bringing your faith and the outworking of it into the life of TUC and into our community.
Dianne Hubbard
LoveToowong Probity Group
Caring, Connecting and LoveToowong
Surely Christ’s light shines in the world when people in our congregation continue to connect and care during this current time of COVID-19, especially when we have been so distanced from each other.
It is difficult to think of someone in our congregation who has not connected with others in our TUC or local community in some way by praying, keeping in ‘virtual’ or in-person contact with someone, or presenting worship each week. Regular home visits, hospital visits, making homes available for house churches, Toowong Community Morning Tea, phone calls, emails and meals delivered, all work to connect and bind us together and draw others into the warmth of God’s love.
God has been with us and has made his presence known in many ways with many practical and demonstrative answers to prayer and so many God-events. Just in the last week, there have been many stories of the Holy Spirit working in our community. Among many emails, one indicated a special answer to prayer in easing anxiety, and another email originating in the UK from someone who has worshipped with TUC while visiting Brisbane, enabled the organisation of a process for one of our congregation to receive assistance.
Romans 8:31 says: “What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us” - even the difficult times brought about by COVID-19 cannot crush or overwhelm our connections, our giving, our care for others, or our prayers as we care, connect, and share God’s love, light and life.
Dianne Hubbard
Care & Connect
The Garden UQ
Big thanks to Carly for coming to TUC on Sunday 30 August to bring us an update from The Garden! It was wonderful to hear how God is working in and through the people of this community, growing authentic relationships and allowing Christ’s love to to be shared. We’d love you to be praying with us for The Garden and everyone involved; that the Spirit will keep moving amongst them, bringing God’s life, light and love into their lives.
If you would like to find out more about what The Garden does and how God is working there, sign up here to get in touch with Carly or to receive her prayer newsletters.
If you would like to partner with Carly and The Garden, you can give through the tithely account.
TUC Congregational Meeting
Sunday 11 October
We will hold our second Congregational Meeting for 2020 on Sunday 11 October on Zoom. Stay tuned for more details regarding the meeting agenda and the Zoom link.
A few photos showing people back in the building
Check out these two videos! The first speaks about where we believe God is leading us; we are a bonfire church, a place where all people can gather to hear about and experience the love and light of Christ. The second is a reflection on the many blessings God has given us this year during what has been a difficult time for all. We’d love to get your feedback on these videos and hear what God is saying to you.