Minister's Message: January 2025

To All of TUC, God’s grace abound on you and your family in 2025.

Here we stand at the cusp of another year abounding in exciting potential. What significant plans are you forming for yourself in 2025? As you ready yourself for the year ahead, what are you bringing to God as your prayer for this year?  Let me follow up with this - what are you  expecting God to do in His church here in Toowong in 2025?

I am expecting that we as a community will grow in grace. That as we continue to share life together in authenticity and availability, sharing the journey together, we will see the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abound in all areas of our life.

I am expecting God to bring a season of outreach into our community through invitations to be in conversations, that will help us become a Christian community that both sows the seed and reaps a harvest. I am expecting God to position TUC very intentionally to engage with young people who are looking for answers to the big questions in their life. I am expecting Holy Spirit to grow our capacity to disciple the people who come to trust Jesus as their Saviour.

I am expecting that God will bring the missional opportunity so clearly and unavoidably to our door step, that we will have no choice but to say “OK God, we’ll do it your way.” We’ll be open to changes that upsets our norms, we will allow ourselves to be challenged by new vision, and because of that - we will see Jesus become the beautiful centre and the Word of God released into people’s lives and situations,  transforming everything.

Now let me turn the tables on us here to ask - What is God expecting of you in 2025? What promise has God entrusted you to fulfil in the coming year?

We are excited about experiencing the light and life of Christ abound in us this year together.

