May 2020

Minister’s Report


Its been an exciting time to be part of Toowong Uniting Church this year so far. I’m sure you’ve heard that the Chinese word for ‘crisis’ is made from joining the two words ‘danger’ and a ‘point of intersection’ or an opportunity. We have all been stretched individually while living with restrictions and the sense of disconnection and uncertainty has challenged TUC’s community life. Yet there’s also been a burst of creativity and new ideas from so many of you, with video creations, at home worship and music, and teams collaborating on the web. We have seen the future of our worship with people reconnecting with TUC from other countries. Drawing on the resources of God and each other, we have been able to pivot as a church with remarkable success, with TUC switching to live streaming just three days after being directed to close our doors. This capacity is attributable to our dynamic teams and leaders who have been called into leadership, and people who have given of their time and talent sacrificially. In this regard, we give a huge shout out and thanks to Brad Sheen and Luke Reynoldson who have provided the gear, technical expertise and encouragement to enable us to worship online, connecting our community each Sunday. So much of their efforts are out of sight behind the camera, and their servant leadership has been an inspiration to us. 

The networking enabled through PACT team and Cluster Companions has allowed us to keep our community connections going, and stay in touch about pastoral needs. Because of your generosity, there has been a fantastic response to our #LoveToowong appeal, and through this, our church has provided various forms of assistance to people within and beyond the TUC community. Requests for assistance will likely be ongoing as we start to transition out of this difficult time, and we will seek to be a point of assistance and encouragement in Toowong.

As we approach Pentecost, on Sunday 31st May, our theme this month is “Rethink”. To celebrate God sending the Holy Spirit to the disciples in an extraordinary expression of unity and power, I’d encourage you like those first followers of Jesus, to commit ourselves to prayer all this month. We’re a church that are 100% certain it’s through our total reliance on God’s headship of his Body, that we can be empowered to love and serve the world. So please join with your sisters and brothers in Christ this month, in concerted prayer all through May, culminating on Saturday 30th May for 24 hours of prayer, seeking God’s leading. More information about this “Pray All Day” event can be found below.

 We say together ‘maranatha!’ Holy Spirit, come!

Matt Smith


When we think about what it will be like when the pandemic is over, do we think that we will go back to the way things were, or are we being called on to something new? This is a chance to rethink what church looks like, in line with God’s plan.

That is what we have tried to show with this month’s image. Each layer represents a different element created by God: the sky, the land and seas, plants and growing things, the sun/moon/stars, living creatures and people (you can read about this in Genesis 1). As we look forward to what will come, we see that we are part of this new creation that is beautiful and complex and alive. A world based on and grown from God’s original creation, where everything is being renewed and brought back into order. A world where Christ is at the centre and we always remember our purpose as Christ’s ambassadors, messengers of reconciliation. How does being part of that reconciliation affect how we live our lives and interact not only with other people but with all of creation?

What is God saying to you about where we are being called? Perhaps you’d like to take some time to create something: a drawing, painting, sculpture, song, poem or something written, to express this? Please send them to us if you do!


This Sunday
9.30 am 3 May

Bible Reading:
2 Corinthians 5:11-21


Cornerstone (in C)
Good Good Father (in C)
Jesus Messiah (in D)
Great are You Lord (in D)

We will also celebrate Communion together this Sunday, so make sure you have your bread and juice/wine ready! We’d also really love to see some photos of you celebrating Communion. Please take some selfies and share them with us.


Let’s pray together for 24 hours non-stop!

Pentecost is celebrated on the 7th Sunday after Easter to commemorate the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon the 12 Apostles and many other followers of Jesus while they were praying together in Jerusalem. This saw the birth of the early Christian church as the apostles, empowered by the Holy Spirit, spread the good news about Jesus and performed many signs in his name. We ask you to join with us in 24 hours of prayer starting from 9 am on Saturday 30 May and finishing at 9 am on Pentecost, Sunday 31 May.

Let’s pray together for a pouring out of the Holy Spirit on our church and for God’s vision and guidance as we look to the future! Simply sign up for a one hour block, then pray at home at your allocated time.

or email us to sign up for a time


It has been wonderful to see the connections and care people have had for each other within our TUC congregation and in our community further afield during the past months.

A little sweetness?
Often people offer to assist, or ask if they are able to help in any way during these COVID-19 times. Currently we are thinking about ways of letting people know we care for them and getting others in the congregation involved. Thus, we wondered if there is anyone who would bake a batch of biscuits for distribution to people we know who may appreciate the gesture of a ‘sweet’ gift during the month of May.

Please contact Dianne for details if you are someone who would like to bake some treats, so that expressions of interest in this project may be centralised and collated.

Catchup@TUC on Zoom continues to be open for anyone who would like a social chat every Wednesday at 9.30 am, or Fridays at 5.00 pm. So, if you have not joined in previously, contact Dianne for an ID and password for the virtual gatherings.

Dianne Hubbard
Care & Connect

Uni Ministry & Bubble Tea

TUC’s Uni Chaplain, Zac, has let us know that while most of the international students he is in touch with are thankfully going well with regards to finances, many of them are quite lonely living in isolation. In response to this, Zac has begun dropping around Bubble Tea to the students (while maintaining social-distancing rules, of course!) and having a chat with them. If you’d like to get involved with this, please be in touch with Zac.

Senior Youth: Alpha Online


It’s been great to see that Senior Youth (grades 9-12) have started their online Alpha sessions! This happens every Friday night from 7 - 8 pm via Zoom.

Another exciting addition to the world of online ministry is that Clare will soon be starting Alpha with the Junior Youth (grades 6 - 8).

If you’d like to know more about this, or if you’d like to join in either the Senior or Junior Youth sessions, please be in touch with Clare.

Thank you to everyone who helped us make the Lord’s Prayer video!
