Easter Update

Happy Easter Everyone!

As Good Friday and Easter Sunday approach, I’m finding it easy to dwell on all the things we’d usually be doing but are now missing out on. However, as we are constantly being reminded, the current situation provides so many opportunities to connect in other ways. I’m finding it is also providing much needed time to slow down and intentionally spend time with God, particularly remembering the Easter story and all that Jesus has done for us. Yesterday, Bill Bowles sent through this lovely prayer, which we’d like to share with you:

“My prayer is that we all experience a deeper faith as God shows his Grace towards us. As we bunker down this Easter (social isolating) allowing the worst of Covid19 to pass over us (flattening the curve) we can appreciate a little of what the ancient Israelites experienced all those years ago in Egypt. That night, the first passover, they were protected by the blood of the lamb which was a foreshadow of Christ’s redeeming mission and ultimate power over death.”

Amen! No matter what happens, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8). We’re really looking forward to joining together on Good Friday to remember Jesus’ great sacrifice, before coming back together again on Easter Sunday to celebrate his resurrection and triumph over sin and death!

Thanks for joining us last Sunday

Thanks for sending in your photos, we love seeing them! Please post any Good Friday and Easter Sunday photos in the comments on Facebook, or send to Lauren.

Check out our reminder video for this week. Big thanks to Brad and Vanessa Sheen for their creativity in making these videos!

Good Friday
9.30 am, 10 April

Bible Readings:
John 18:15-27
John 19:16-27

Lead me to the Cross (in D)
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) (in Eb - guitarists capo fret1 and play in D)
When I Survey (in D)

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get a reminder when the Good Friday service goes live. You can also check our Facebook page on Good Friday morning at 9am for a link to the service.

Easter Sunday
9.30 am, 12 April

Bible Readings:
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Romans 8:37-39

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Let’s Keep Praying Together

Prayer Meeting
We meet weekly on Mondays from 8.30 - 9.30 am for a Zoom prayer meeting. Please be in touch with Matt if you’d like to join.

7pm Prayer
In response to the COVID-19 health crisis, let's join Christians across Australia by praying every night at 7pm. Let's pray for health workers, cleaners, supermarket staff, and all those working front-line roles. Let's pray for all those suffering in any way; for those with health concerns, anxiety, or dealing with economical hardship.

These prayer images and the call to pray every night at 7pm come from Alpha Australia.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
— Romans 8:38-39