Hi everyone!
Once again, we give thanks and praise to God for the ways He is working in the world and through His people. We are so grateful to be part of Christ’s church with you all! Thanks for continuing to worship on Sundays through the live-stream and for all your comments and photos; this really does help us stay connected. Let’s continue praying for the world and all the people in it. If you are struggling at all right now, please don’t go through this alone. We would love to be able to support you in any way we can, please get in touch with us here.
Worship with us again
this Sunday (Palm Sunday), 5 April!
Bible Reading: Philippians 2:1-11
How Great is Our God (in G)
Build My Life (in D)
Jesus Messiah (in G)
What A Beautiful Name (in D)
Why not get out your instruments and sing and play along at home?
Communion: Celebrate Communion with us in your homes.
All you will need is some bread and grape juice (or wine!).
Let us know if you’d like to make a video in your home to be part of our Sunday worship.
Head to our Facebook page on Sunday mornings and there will be a post where you can share your photos in the comments. We’d love to see you and your households worshipping!
“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. ”
AGM Results
Thank you to all our formal members who voted in our AGM survey. Please be assured that this vote was entirely anonymous. We are glad to let you know that the Annual Report and Budget have been approved for 2020.
Furthermore, all nominees have been elected to church council. Our church council for 2020 includes new members Felix Chen, Bev Homel and Ben Reid, along with continuing members Clare Hankamer, Dianne Hubbard, Garry Jennings, Lauren Murray, Sue O’Brien, Matt Smith, Will Stewart (church council chair), David Vicig.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing church council members, Alicia McLachlan and Wayne Middleton. Alicia served as our church council secretary for 2019 while also balancing family and work, for which we are hugely thankful. Wayne has been a member of the TUC council for some years now and steps down to focus on family, work and his important role on the Outback Futures Board. Thanks also to Rob Johnson, who continued in the role of Transitional Treasurer for 2019 to guide and support our new Treasurer, David Vicig. Rob has clocked up 18 years as TUC Treasurer, so we are glad he can now have a well-earned break!
For more information regarding the Annual Report and elders, please be in touch with Will Stewart. For more information regarding the Budget, please be in touch with our Treasurer, David Vicig.
Easter Craft & Resources
Bev and her grandson River’s Easter Garden
Looking for something fun to do with your family this Easter? Why not make an interactive Easter Garden with a few simple items you have at home!
You can also check out these Easter countdown readings and reflections. Each one is simple, taking only about 15 minutes and there is a suggested activity for each one.
Bev Homel has shared these activity with us, saying that they’ve always been a big hit with her kids and grandkids. Thanks, Bev!
Online Coffee Mornings
Stay connected through our Online Coffee Mornings, every Wednesday and Friday at 9.30am! If you'd like to join these catch ups, please email Dianne Hubbard and she will send you the Zoom meeting link.