It's our 10th service this Sunday!

After COVID-19

Can you believe it will be our 10th live-streamed service this Sunday? The time has gone by very quickly and we are so grateful to God for continuing His work among us during this time. How are you going at home? Have you still felt connected to the wider church? We certainly hope so, and we give thanks particularly to Dianne and the Care & Connect Team as they have worked diligently to ensure all are cared for. As we have often mentioned, it is wonderful to see how God is working in and through each member of our church. We are truly thankful for the creativity, hard work and care for others that has been shown. Doesn’t this just show that nothing can stop God in His work? As lockdown orders relax and we prepare to start gathering again in person over the next few months, we are eager to line up with what God is doing in this space. Rather than thinking we will “go back” to the way things were before, we pray that we will continue to trust the Spirit to lead us on to a new thing. Please join us in this prayer and be praying for Matt, Will (our church council chair) and the whole congregation as we follow the Spirit’s leading. We will make sure to keep you all up-to-date with any news about when we can gather again in person.


This Sunday
9.30 am 24 May

Bible Reading:
1 Peter 1:13-23

Ancient of Days (in D)
O Come to the Altar (in D)
What a Beautiful Name (in D)
How Great is our God (in G)


Join us this Sunday night from 7 - 8 pm on Zoom as we pray with Living Faith Uniting Church! The Zoom details are below:

Time: May 24, 2020 07:00 PM Brisbane
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 2431 4140
Password: 723576


Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to take part in Pray all Day! We are looking forward to praying together non-stop for 24 hours.

or email us for a time

Coming Home

Hot from the Lord Family Studio comes Rob Lord's directorial debut! There's action, there's adventure, there's a topical corona virus handshake joke and, most importantly, there's a message about how God loves us so much He always welcomes us home with open arms. We hope you enjoy! Thank you, Rob, for putting this together for us. You can read the whole story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32.

A few faces from TUC, near and far. Although we are physically separated, we are united in Christ.