Pray With Us This Month
Of course we wish to be a church that is always praying so that we can line up with God’s plans, rather than trying to make our own plans happen, but this month we have a particular focus on prayer leading up to Pentecost on Sunday 31 May. You can read about the amazing pouring out of the Holy Spirit that happened at Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 and the way that prayer defined the apostles and other followers of Jesus (something we’ve been looking at in our Tuesday Pastorate). Read on, below, for more information about our 24 hour prayer event, Pray All Day. We’d love to have at least one person praying for one hour during this time!
We are also very excited to let you know that we will be joining in prayer over Zoom with Living Faith Uniting Church next Sunday, 24 May, from 7 - 8 pm. You may remember that Rev Iris Marais, who used to worship with us at TUC, is now the minister at Living Faith.
If you'd like to join us in this Zoom prayer meeting, please email us and we will send you the meeting details along with prayer points from Living Faith.
“Our prayers may be awkward.
Our attempts may be feeble.
But since the power of prayer is in
the one who hears it
and not in the one who says it,
our prayers do make a difference.”
This Sunday
9.30 am 17 May
Bible Readings:
1 Corinthians 3:21-22 & 4:7-9
Our God Saves (in C)
The Stand (in G)
Amazing Grace (in D)
In Christ We’re One (Geoff & Renata Rankin original)
Join the Tech Team
Brad and Luke have been doing an amazing job live-streaming the TUC worship service each Sunday and it’s been wonderful to see how church online can reach even more people. Because of this, we are going to continue live-streaming the service when we begin to meet in person again.
But that means we need you!
If you have an interest in tech, computers and cameras, and would be prepared to get involved with live-streaming the service, please get in touch with us.
You certainly don’t have to know how to do everything already. Brad and Luke will teach you what you need to know with video tutorials and hands-on training. We hope to begin this training towards the end of June, so we are looking for expressions of interest now. All ages are welcome!
Pray All Day
9 am Saturday 30 -
9 am Sunday 31 May
Have you signed up for Pray All Day yet? This is our 24 hr prayer event, when we will pray for a pouring out of the Holy Spirit. Hit the button below to sign up for one hour between 9 am Saturday 30 May and 9 am Sunday 31 May (Pentecost), or email us to save a time.
You can pray from home, or come into our prayer room at TUC.